

Can I download the install files if my drive doesn't work? Microsoft Office for Mac

Can I download the install files if my drive doesn't work? Microsoft Office for Mac

Can I download the install files if my drive doesn't work?

Posted: 10 Mar 2007 12:57 PM PST

In article <>,
CyberTaz <> wrote:

My understanding of Karen's problem (correct me if I'm wrong, Karen) is
that although you do have the original disks to reinstall Office you
don't have a working drive to read them. You've tried re-downloading the
Office Test Drive to use that temporarily but it has already been run
once on your computer and has expired.

Once the Test Drive has expired on a machine it can not be re-downloaded
for more use. And it can not be turned into a working copy.

So, what you need to do is find a way to get the Microsoft Office 2004
folder from the CD to your hard drive. This is why I suggest trying to
network your Mac with another to copy the installer. Or if you have an
external hard drive that you can move between machines then you can copy
the installer from the CD to the hard drive on a working machine and
then connect it to your Mac with the failed disk drive.

Hope this helps! bill
William M. Smith
(Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows)

Common database for PC and Mac platforms

Posted: 09 Mar 2007 01:12 PM PST

In article <>,
"Whitt" <edu> wrote:

FileMaker Pro and MySQL are the most common.

MS Access question

Posted: 09 Mar 2007 08:54 AM PST


In case all you need to do is get the data from an mdb file you can use ODBC
(Open Database Connectivity).

Actual technologies is my personal favorite

Another company with ODBC drivers is OpenLink

-Jim Gordon

Quoting from "Whitt" <edu>, in article, on [DATE:

Jim Gordon

MVPs are not Microsoft Employees
MVP info

Using 2 versions of Mac Office 2004 (Japanese and English). How do I set the default for which version my machine uses to open office files?

Posted: 08 Mar 2007 11:42 PM PST

On 3/8/07 11:42 PM, in article, "com"
<com> wrote:

Have you considered creating a new User in System Preferences and install
the Japanese version in the new user? Be sure to create an Application
folder in the User and not install in the root Application folder.

Use Fast User Switching to quickly go back and forth.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
One of the top five MS Entourage resources listed on the Entourage Blog.

Font for Win Office compatible with Mac Office?

Posted: 07 Mar 2007 06:38 PM PST

Thanks Bill.

"William Smith" <> wrote in message 

Excel Questions

Posted: 07 Mar 2007 01:03 AM PST

Hi Dave -

I get the impression you may have used the AutoSum button to generate your
totals. It is typical for the feature to assume that all consecutive cells
containing values are to be summed, but if the range is innacurate you need
only edit it to indicate the correct cell reference(s).

OTOH, if your're referring to the appearance of a SmartTag showing up along
with a flag in the corner of the calculation cell, that's tied to the same
"concept" - but they will pop up even if you write the fx from scratch if
there are additional values in contiguous cells. Just click the Smart Tag &
selecty Ignore Error form the contextual menu. Both pieces of markup will go
away. That's just the MS way of trying to let us know that their software
knows more about what we're tying to do than we do :)

I'm not sure if you can turn the "feature" off in MacXL, but on the dark
side you can go to Tools>Options>Error Checking & remove the check for
"Formula omits cells in region" - you might check Excel>Preferences to see
if there is a comparable setting... Not at a Mac right now so I can't check
it myself :(

As to your second ??, I have no idea... Haven't seen it, can't reproduce it.
Perhaps Mr. McGimpsey is on the right track there.
HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

"Dave" <> wrote in message 

Setup assistant bounces in the Dock and closes

Posted: 06 Mar 2007 06:10 AM PST

On 3/6/07 6:10 AM, in article C212EE98.CBE%com, "Brad Copan"
<com> wrote:

Have you perhaps deleted or disabled any system fonts?

Do NOT turn off Apple's Helvetica, or any other font found in

I agree with Bob that running the Combo updater might help. It's also
possible that you will need to do an Archive & Install of the OS.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
One of the top five MS Entourage resources listed on the Entourage Blog.

Unexpected error

Posted: 05 Mar 2007 09:12 AM PST


On 3/10/07 12:55 AM, in article,
"com" <com> wrote:

Which wouldn't resolve your issue even if you could :)

I sympathize with your plight, but please re-read my reply to Geoff P -
there is absolutely no reference to reinstalling Office.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Uninstalling Office for Mac

Posted: 04 Mar 2007 12:43 PM PST

On Mar 4, 6:14 pm, Mickey Stevens <org> wrote: 

Thank you for the assistance. I see what you mean now.

I have Office 2004 and Office X CDs from Howard Community College.

Posted: 28 Feb 2007 07:28 PM PST

On 2/28/07 10:28 PM, in article, "com"
<com> wrote:
We don't have the foggiest idea of what may be wrong until you supply some
more details. Which did you install? Does the install work? What happens
when you try to run an application? Which one? What errors?

Bob Greenblatt [MVP], Macintosh

Microsoft Office Mac v.x Product Key

Posted: 28 Feb 2007 09:35 AM PST

On 3/1/07 2:57 AM, in article, "Wayne"
<net> wrote:

This would only apply if you purchased an Upgrade version. I believe you
will find the full version at very reasonable prices now.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
One of the top five MS Entourage resources listed on the Entourage Blog.

Emailing Office Attachments To PC Users

Posted: 28 Feb 2007 07:24 AM PST

If their PC is correctly configured, they can simply double-click the file
AFTER they have saved it to their local drive. Windows will figure it out
from there.

If they double-click in their email program, the email program and Windows
and their security software should all explain how stupid they are by
issuing an error message.

If the system administrator wants to keep his or her job, there should be no
way you can get a file to open by double-clicking it from the email program.
If there is, look for another job: the company is not going to stay in
business that long :-)


On 2/3/07 5:02 AM, in article,
"com" <com> wrote:


Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <name>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Business Analyst, Consultant
Technical Writer.
Sydney, Australia +61 (0) 4 1209 1410

A customized Entourage install

Posted: 28 Feb 2007 06:14 AM PST

armil wrote: 

If Word 5.1 would let you export the addresses as a tab-delimited file
or somesuch, you could import that into Entourage. I have no idea what
Word 5.1 allows. Even if you could copy and paste all the addressees
into a Word file, probably we could help you get that importable, though
at that point, depending on how many addresses, it might be easier just
to enter them manually. 

If you use Entourage and Word together, it's pretty simple and very
good, and integrated such that the contacts in Entourage are directly
accessible from Word without even launching Entourage.

But in general, software has gotten more complicated in the last 10-15
years or so since Word 5.1 was written.


Office 2004, Office 2003 and Office 2007

Posted: 27 Feb 2007 05:17 PM PST

Actually, now I'm totally confused about what you mean.

The screenshots did show up.

You *prefer* the Word 2004 effect in the second screenshot? Those
screenshots look like completely different effects have been applied to
me--I'm not sure they prove your case (whatever it is).

Help | Send Feedback goes direct to the MacBU--posts here just vanish
into the ether and reach people with no control over the design, they
don't really support anything. I hope your Send Feedback was more
explicit about what you want to see in future versions.

deebs wrote: 

Office 2004 11.3.4 Update

Posted: 27 Feb 2007 07:19 AM PST

Maybe you've done this already; but if not, here's something to check:

Go to your Applications folder > Microsoft Office 2004 > Office. In the
Office folder, look for the file named "Microsoft Component Plugin." The
version for that file should be 11.3.3. If it's anything earlier than that,
you won't be able to install the 11.3.4 update.

Post back and let us know what version you have.

On 2/27/2007 10:19 AM, in article, "com"
<com> wrote:

Microsoft CRM - Does the administrator have to take up a license?

Microsoft CRM - Does the administrator have to take up a license?

Does the administrator have to take up a license?

Posted: 10 Feb 2004 03:01 PM PST

The admin does require a license, however it does not eat up one of the
licenses that you pay for. So, if you have a 25 license pack, you actually
get 26 but the 26th one is required for the admin account.


"Jake Horn" <com> wrote in message

More CRM 1.2 issues

Posted: 10 Feb 2004 11:35 AM PST

I can only tell you we haven't seen any other issues after we performed the
fix I noted.

If you haven't loaded your database with that much data, a re-install would
certainly be a great way to get everything back to a clean known state.


"Keith Knostman" <com> wrote in message

Anyone succeeded in registering CRM 1.2 ?

Posted: 10 Feb 2004 09:09 AM PST

I figured out what I was doing wrong. I didn't see the yellow label on back
of the server CD packet. That was what I needed. It would have been
nice if they had put it somewhere where I could have found it a little

Thanks for the reply

"Dave Taylor" <> wrote in message

CRM for international companies - multiple currencies

Posted: 10 Feb 2004 08:36 AM PST

You bascially suggest to translate all the prices to,
lets say, US Dollars. Financially, this will be fine. But
it means, for instance, that EU quotes will be in USD.
I'm not sure that a customer will be too happy to get a
12,323.79 USD quote instead of 10,000 Euro...

Data Migration Framework failed

Posted: 10 Feb 2004 08:35 AM PST

When you execute the procedure to list all unmapped users, the result list
should be empty. If you are seeing one row get returned with the value null,
then some table somewhere has null values for OwningUserName. What I did
for this, is the following.
I had the exact same situtaion. I ran the following sql against the
AccountBase table:
Update cdf_Account set OwningUserName = <some valid user> where
OwningUserName is null.

You may also do a manual select against the table to see if there is any
null values. Select * from cdf_Accoutn where owningusername is null??

i went through the same pain trying to migrate data. The framework doesn't
provide nice feedback if required data is missing, it just ignores the row
as you are seeing. I suspect though that if you are getting Null back in the
listunmapped users procedure, you have that situation I mentioned above.

Hope this helps.

<com> wrote in message
Hi Rick,

thanks for your help, but that was exactly what we were
trying. But the AccountBase table is still empty,
although the migration tool did not report any errors.
We have filled the attributes Name, AccountID and
OwningUserName in the cdf account table and mapped them
correctly (after mapping the p_cdp_ListUnmappedUsers
stored proc result is NULL)

Thanks in advance

Here is the logfile of the migration tool after running
it the last time. The settings have been like you

11.02.2004 - 10:08:51 -- Microsoft CRM Data Migration
Framework v1.2 - CDF Migration Tool
(C) Copyright 2003 Microsoft Corp.

11.02.2004 - 10:08:52 -- CDF Entity Migration Order:
Organization,BusinessUnit,SystemUser,Territory,Pri ceLevel,
Subject,Account,Lead,Contact,DiscountType,Discount ,UoMSche
dule,UoM,Product,ProductPriceLevel,Competitor,Oppo rtunity,
CustomerAddress,Quote,QuoteDetail,SalesOrder,Sales OrderDet
ail,Invoice,InvoiceDetail,OpportunityProduct,Incid ent,Acti
11.02.2004 - 10:08:52 -- The CDF Migration Tool is
initializing. This may take a couple of minutes.

11.02.2004 - 10:08:52 -- Processing entity: Organization
11.02.2004 - 10:08:52 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:52 -- Entering GetInstances
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Exiting GetInstances
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Entering CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Exiting CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Exiting Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Processing entity: BusinessUnit
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Entering GetInstances
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Exiting GetInstances
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Entering CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Exiting CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Entering CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Exiting CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Exiting Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Processing entity: SystemUser
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Entering GetInstances
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Exiting GetInstances
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Entering CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Exiting CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Entering CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Exiting CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Entering CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Exiting CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Entering CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Exiting CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Entering CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Exiting CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Entering CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Exiting CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Entering CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Exiting CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Entering CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Exiting CDF - Correlate Entity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Exiting Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Processing entity: Territory
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Entering GetInstances
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Exiting GetInstances
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Exiting Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:55 -- Processing entity: PriceLevel
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Processing entity: Subject
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Processing entity: Account
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Processing entity: Lead
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Processing entity: Contact
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Processing entity: DiscountType
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Processing entity: Discount
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Processing entity: UoMSchedule
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Processing entity: UoM
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Processing entity: Product
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Processing entity:
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Processing entity: Competitor
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Processing entity: Opportunity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Processing entity:
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Processing entity: Quote
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:56 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: QuoteDetail
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: SalesOrder
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity:
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: Invoice
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: InvoiceDetail
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity:
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: Incident
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: Activity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: Annotation
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Entering Correlate
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting migration phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Test Batch Count = 0
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Migration phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: Organization
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: BusinessUnit
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: SystemUser
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: Territory
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: PriceLevel
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: Subject
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: Account
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: Lead
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: Contact
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: DiscountType
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: Discount
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: UoMSchedule
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: UoM
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: Product
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity:
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: Competitor
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: Opportunity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity:
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: Quote
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: QuoteDetail
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: SalesOrder
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity:
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: Invoice
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: InvoiceDetail
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity:
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: Incident
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: Activity
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Processing entity: Annotation
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Starting update phase
11.02.2004 - 10:08:57 -- Update phase completed

11.02.2004 - 10:08:58 -- Processing completed.

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find out who is not 
CRM. But it 
only an 
failed because the 
generate my own 
again no success. 
which has the 
migration still 
migration tool 
account table in 
someone can 
provided by Mircosoft 
are required 

"Microsoft Office 2000 patch for Microsoft CRM"

Posted: 10 Feb 2004 05:23 AM PST

If its not very big (<50Mb), you couldnt possible email it to me could you?
Surely not any license problem, I've got the ACTUAL NFR software anyway, I
only want the Office Patch !
Let me know if you can.

An error occured while installing Microsoft CRM folders

Posted: 10 Feb 2004 05:05 AM PST

Hello Tony,

The missing icons is just a part of the problem. Removing an registry
entry brings back the icons in the shortcuts. The main problem is this
error after installing a folder in the folder list.
Every time I open Outlook there is the next folder add to the list and
occurs this error until the list is complete.
Some part is missing or corrupt. I don't know what.



"Tony" <> wrote in message news:<>... 

Create Privileges

Posted: 09 Feb 2004 09:48 PM PST

This would be done by restricting either Append To or Append security
(check help for which one, I always get them confused myself). One
contols what items you could append the oppy to.


On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 06:48:51 +0100, "Ivica Zubèiæ"
<hr> wrote:


1. What means when salesperson have Create privileges for Oportunity
on User base level.

2. How set up security to allow user to create Oportunity only with
(Potential Customer) that she is owner.

Thanks in advance

Creating User Issue

Posted: 09 Feb 2004 04:04 PM PST


I'm not even sure how to get to that point. Any
assistance would be great. The CRM site on Microsoft's
support/knowledgebase seems to be extremly limited.


Code not workin in licensed 1.2 version

Posted: 09 Feb 2004 02:25 PM PST

Update on this... after pulling my hair out I realized im running
framework 1.1 and 1.0 on this server and although I had allready made
the root web app where
the CRM application resides, I re-registered the 1.1 framework (using
aspnet_iisreg -s <path>) and that seemed to do the trick.. dont ask me
why I had to re register it...

instead of creating another post, can someone tell me now how with the
SDK you can retrieve the accountid for an account? it seems the
crmaccount.Retrieve method for the account object is not the way to go
b/c it requires an accountid as part of the method!

how do you get the accountid for an account using this method if you
dont know the id in the first place!
any ideas appreciated.

"GreaterThanTwo Media" <com> wrote in message news:<#phx.gbl>... 

Quickest method to wipe data?

Posted: 09 Feb 2004 10:48 AM PST

Great Info! Thanks for the feedback!

Britt Landrum

"Pierre Hulsebus" <com> wrote in message


Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.ObjectType and Microsoft.CRM.Flags.ObjectType

Posted: 09 Feb 2004 09:23 AM PST

Hi Jiho, I don't know if it's published anywhere, but every MS support rep
I've ever talked to is well aware of it. I wrote a conversion function for
it as well. We shouldn't have to do such simple things to make it work.

FYI, there are other enums in the SOAP API that are wrong as well (like
activity party codes).


"Jiho Han" <com> wrote in message

Email listed in Inbox but unable to open or delete - Microsoft Exchange

Email listed in Inbox but unable to open or delete - Microsoft Exchange

Email listed in Inbox but unable to open or delete

Posted: 06 Jun 2004 03:26 AM PDT

Glad it worked...I've seen corrupt messages before, but I'm not entirely
sure what causes the problem.

Lurb wrote: 

Routing group problem

Posted: 04 Jun 2004 11:25 AM PDT

Are you using exchange in mixed mode? how many administrative groups you

"Ron Stewart" <> escribió en el
mensaje news:phx.gbl... 
vanilla, no 

2003 Upgrade Bridgeheads second??

Posted: 04 Jun 2004 06:11 AM PDT

Understood -it'll be fine as far as I'm aware. I'd do the bridgehead
servers first based on least risk.

Neil Hobson
Exchange MVP

For Exchange news, links and tips, check:

"James Hill" <com> wrote in message
all upgraded as soon as possible. 
break everything by upgrading a remote site before upgrading the master
routing servers first... 

Exchange feature question

Posted: 03 Jun 2004 03:51 PM PDT

eBS-Admin wrote:

Well, all you have to do to save money is convince your users to keep
their mailboxes clean!

....okay, never mind. Save your pennies.

Emergency Help Please

Posted: 03 Jun 2004 10:46 AM PDT

sounds like a virus or you've been hacked by spammers.
The inetinfo that you see is probably pumping out email as
fast as the server will allow. If this is the case, you
are probably blacklisted as spammer also. You can tell by
running a netstat -a from command line or use something
like the free tool from foundstone called vision. Does
your GFI do file scanning or just mail? Not a fun

Good luck

especially internet access. On my exchange box I notice
that inetinfo.exe is using 143000k and 100% cpu. I have
exchange 2003. Any ideas? The only antivirus software I
have running is GFI. Help please. Port 80 is opened on my
firewall from the WAN to the exchange box so that a few
osers can use OWA to check their mails. 

Spam mail filtering software ,What is a good package???

Posted: 03 Jun 2004 08:20 AM PDT

We use Brightmail (

It's funny I read this post, I just got back from TechEd2004 and have a pamphlet on my desk listing anti-spam solutions. Here are 5 of the top rated (according to InfoWorld)
-SpamAssasin (FREE!!!

Some are Gateway products (meaning you install and maintain server at your site) and some are "Service-Based", meaning you change your mx record to point to the service and they filter the mail and relay it back to your on-site gateway. The "Service-Based" will reduce "load" on your mail system, but it is a personal preference in my opinion

Here are some great articles that may help in your quest

Info World : Spam Shootou

Network World: Anti-Spam Buyers Guide (comparison of 16 different products

Hope this helps

James R. Hill
MCSE2000 MCSA2000 MCP2000 CCN

Removing exchange 5.5

Posted: 03 Jun 2004 02:30 AM PDT

In article <phx.gbl>,
"Si" <net> wrote:

Run the Exchange 5.5 setup utility. Before you do, make sure to review
KB article 152959.


Paul Robichaux <org>
MVP - Exchange
Exchange security book:
FAQs: &

Read Receipts on Internal Domain Only?

Posted: 25 May 2004 07:34 AM PDT

On Sun, 6 Jun 2004 18:13:38 +0200, Henrik Walther [MVP] wrote:

Forgot to mention you need the hHotFix mentioned in below article as well:

324636 - Read receipt is sent when the Do Not Send Delivery Reports option
is selected:;EN-US;324636

Henrik Walther
Exchange MVP

Microsoft Word - My Microsoft office Home & Student 2010 is locked up on Word.

Microsoft Word - My Microsoft office Home & Student 2010 is locked up on Word.

My Microsoft office Home & Student 2010 is locked up on Word.

Posted: 08 Jan 2013 10:51 AM PST

It locked up when pulling in a template/macro from Avery for me to create business cards.  I have system directions to resolve this.  HOWEVER, I cannot access Word to complete the solution.  How can I get to Microsoft Word to get to the Trust Center to enable macros?


HELP solution says to go to File, Options, Trust Center, Trust Center settings, Macro Settings, Enable all macros.  MY PROBLEM is that Word is locked up when I open it with the file open I was working on along with a dialog box saying:  "The Macro cannot be found or has been disabled because of your macro security settings." 


I have deleted the file through documents on set up, but that did not resolve it. 

I have gone through the trust center for the other Office Home & Student programs and performed these steps just fine.

Word is locked up so that I cannot even click on file.

In fact, once I open Word, the file continually shows up with the same dialog box (shown above), AND Word will not close.  I have to do a forced shut down every time.


Thanks for any help you can give

MS Word 2010 - "show all windows in taskbar" is not working

Posted: 08 Jan 2013 04:39 AM PST

I want to show all my open MS Word documents on the task bar.  I have clicked the "show all windows"  in the advance option, but my documents are still not separated.

date format - year only

Posted: 08 Jan 2013 01:40 AM PST

I'm using Word 2007


I want to the date in documents to automatically update, but I want to use the year only - its for copyright reasons.  Is there any way of doing this? 

Word 2010 canvas turn off

Posted: 06 Jan 2013 06:49 PM PST

Windows 7

Word 2010

Problem with canvas


Under    =>  Insert       => Shapes   => Insert new canvas


I inserted new canvas, but I can't turn canvas on on ALL other and NEW documents



Unde File  => Options => Advance square marked  [ ] turned canvas automatically on when  .......                is off.


I tried to turn on and of few times thinking of triggering process, nothing.


When I created file in OneNote, saved and opened in Word canvas again




1 - HOW TO TURN CANVAS OFF IN WORD 2010 SINCE COMMAND IN File >Option>Advance>Editing option is not workings


2 - Is there any update,  Web site trick or so

Labels printing - Help

Posted: 06 Jan 2013 08:17 AM PST

6 months ago I changed my computer and now have Windows 7 instead of XP. I also bought MS Home Office Excel and Word.


Since then I cannot print labels using my Usual Avery L7161 labels.


The printing starts 2 or 3 lines prior to the top of the label despite trying to change margins etc.


It is almost as if the template, found from entering L7161 in the labels printing setup, is the wrong one.


The printer is the same HP Officejet 4500 as was used with the old computer.


Is there anyone else that has had this problem and subsequently fixed it? 


Norman Walker

using windows 8, but wont recognize microsoft office product already installed

Posted: 02 Jan 2013 10:11 AM PST

I already installed microsoft office 2010 on my computer over a month ago, was working fine.  But I tried to open a  word document, that I used this exact program to create, and it wont open.  Claims that I don't have office on my computer.  I am using windows 8 os.  Please help me with this, as I using microsoft office for all of my papers for college.  

Judy J

How to email a Word document as read only?

Posted: 01 Jan 2013 11:56 PM PST

Original Title: e-mail word Doc.


Typed a resume on word now want to email it to employment .How do I send it as a fixed read only Doc.

How can I restore the Search box (by keyword/s) that used to open automatically (upper right corner) when I opened my WORD (2010) docs?

Posted: 01 Jan 2013 11:41 PM PST

How can I restore the Search box (by keyword/s) that used to open automatically (upper right corner) when I opened my WORD (2010) docs?


It disappeared.


I need it to locate many docs in various locations.


Works perfectly for my needs.



Several email domains - Microsoft Exchange

Several email domains - Microsoft Exchange

Several email domains

Posted: 02 Jun 2004 02:07 PM PDT

or you can just configure a pop account for each address on their mail
client - pain in the butt but it would work, we do it here.

"Patrick" <> wrote in message

migrate.exe tool- Exchange 5.5

Posted: 02 Jun 2004 04:09 AM PDT

I'm afraid i'm testing for a much larger population in
excess of 2000 mailboxes.
importing it to the other mailbox as a workaround
(assuming that the mailbox is not too large) 

Need hotfix to resolve buffer problem.

Posted: 31 May 2004 05:01 AM PDT

Shouldn't charge you at all - call & find out.

Jason McClellan wrote: 

Migration from Lotus

Posted: 28 May 2004 07:53 PM PDT

I'll keep an eye on the newsgroup for more replies, but if you get any more
info on this Sunish, please can you forward on to me as well? I'm looking at
migrating our company from Lotus Domino 6 to Exchange 2003 in the next few

Many thanks,

"Sunish Sultania" <com.spymac> wrote in message

GFI FaxMaker or Rightfax?

Posted: 28 May 2004 10:41 AM PDT

you may also want to look at ; i have been using their net
satisfaxtion products for several years and i am very please with product
AND support...

"Hades" <you> wrote in message

Microsoft Word - Word 2003: Make table gridlines lighter

Microsoft Word - Word 2003: Make table gridlines lighter

Word 2003: Make table gridlines lighter

Posted: 07 Jan 2013 02:21 PM PST

In word 2003, I would like to make the table gridlines lighter.  I don't the table to have actual borders (nor do I want to change any borders already set, including edges that have no visible borders).  I just want the gridlines to be lighter when their visibility is activated.  Is this possible in Word 2003?

when typing in Word 2007, only lower half of letter appears????

Posted: 07 Jan 2013 07:36 AM PST

When typing in Word 2007, only the lower half of each letter appears. What is causing this? I have seemingly tried everything. Thanks for a reply.

my laptop works with windows 8 and l have installed a microsoft office student 2007, so l tried to open a file and they asked me to buy an office 2010. what l have to do?

Posted: 07 Jan 2013 02:34 AM PST

I have installed a Microsoft office student 2007 on my system operative windows 8. When l tried to open a file, the system ask me to buy an office 2010.What l have to do? l need to open a file urgently. Please ,find out to sort this question.

Unremovable Black Lines in Word 2007, Windows 7- Not paragraph borders or autocorrect lines

Posted: 06 Jan 2013 04:05 PM PST

These lines are driving me crazy. I had to bring a pdf into Word, and it was ugly. Really ugly. Even online converters didn't work well. At any rate, what I have in Word has these terrible ugly lines that I can't delete. They aren't the auto dash, or auto = lines that get get created. They also aren't page or paragraph borders.

Take a look at pages 20, 21, and 23.!163&authkey=!ALESzHPEWXgNnqU

The workaround I had to do was copy to Wordpad, and recopy to Word but it lost a lot and was a headache.

Thoughts on what this is?


I have office 2007 SMB. It has started to crash whenever I 'save as'.

Posted: 06 Jan 2013 11:00 AM PST

I have office 2007 SMB. It has started to crash whenever I 'save as'. I have tried reinstalling without success.


It affects Word Excel and Powerpoint 

how do I restart/re-install Autoformat in MS Word 2007?

Posted: 06 Jan 2013 09:31 AM PST

when an ms service agent installed Windows 7 one of the things that happened is that my icon in MS Word 2007 went missing.

can someone please tell me how to start it again, or re-install it?



Page Numbering when inserting additional pages

Posted: 06 Jan 2013 02:42 AM PST

I have a 10 page document, page numbers 1-10. I need to insert 3 pages after page 3. These pages are to be numbered 3a,3b,3c. The page numbering would then continue 4-10.
Any ideas how to insert a field to achieve this would be appreciated?

The original page  numbers must remain.


Does anyone know how to include the IMB barcode in a mailmerge document?

Posted: 04 Jan 2013 01:26 PM PST

I have downloaded the font from the USPS needed to print the IMB barcode.  I have been unsuccessful in merging the barcode into the Word 2010 document. 


How could I inform the appropriate persons about a grammar error in MS Word 2010?

Posted: 04 Jan 2013 12:45 PM PST

I wrote a sentence which read, as follows: Naomi and Adam live in the Valley with their four children, the oldest of whom is 16.  

The word, whom, was underlined with the little squiggly green line. I was curious to see why, so I right clicked and saw the suggestion that I change the word to who. Still curious, I clicked on "grammar" to see why, and I got the same suggestion. Undaunted, I clicked on "explain" to see why, and I got the following:

"Who" or "Whom"

Use "who" or "whoever" as a subject in a sentence. Use "whom" or "whomever" as an object or after a preposition.

  • Instead of: Whom reads the magazine?
  • Consider: Who reads the magazine?
  • Instead of: Tell it to whomever lost the book.
  • Consider: Tell it to whoever lost the book.

 Ok! Now I am confused. is the word, whom, in my original sentence not the object of the preposition, of? Am I wrong, or is MSN wrong? Please explain.


Thank you for your time.

i can't open the blank word document

Posted: 03 Jan 2013 03:37 PM PST

Hi, I recently I upgraded to W8, immediately after this upgrade I realised that the blank new word document never open when the edited one is also open. What actually happens here is I can open the edited document without any problem, and if I close the edited doc and start word it will open with no problem. But the **** here comes when the edited doc is open, the new blank word doc after starting word will never open instead the edited one will pop up. It's like the edited one swallows the new blank word. The same happen when the new blank word is open and you open an edited word file, this edited will open by swallowing the blank one. Please am real distracted and I need a help, if there is one out there with a solution plz help me to get rid of this. I posted the problem on MS Office forum but it seems the problem is connected to W8 OS. That's why am posting it here. Thanks, Mataba,G.

problems with microsoft word

Posted: 02 Jan 2013 02:50 PM PST

I have installed office Home and Student 2010 on a windows 7 but I can't open Microsoft Word, I have reinstalled and it still doen't work.

Cannot create files with Office 2010 after trying Office 2013

Posted: 01 Jan 2013 03:04 PM PST

Original Title: "Trial Version"


I tried out Office 2013 and found that I had to use my Office 2010 Teacher and Student software. Apparently Microsoft didn't agree with that and stopped my use of my paid for version of 2010. Now I can't create files, etc. and have to go the "Trust Center" or some other sadly misnamed Microsoft creation which does NOT allow me to create my own files.


Thanks for nothing.

"find" in Microsoft Word Web App

Posted: 01 Jan 2013 09:09 AM PST

Using the Microsoft Word webapp.   Need to search through the document for a particular word.  Cannot locate the "word find" feature.  Guidance sought.