

Microsoft Word - Table of Contents is crossing right margin of the document. How to fix it?

Microsoft Word - Table of Contents is crossing right margin of the document. How to fix it?

Table of Contents is crossing right margin of the document. How to fix it?

Posted: 29 Mar 2015 01:30 PM PDT


I created a Table of Contents (References tab), but it is crossing the right margin of my document.

I recorded my screen showing it exactly when I create the table of contents:

I would appreciate any tip on how to fix it in order the table of contents fits the document margins.



Alternating footer image with continuous page number

Posted: 29 Mar 2015 10:08 AM PDT


I would like to display a footer image - say every even page - and also have continuous page numbers throughout the document.

THE PROBLEM: When I insert a footer (blank three columns) and in the first column footer I insert the desired image. I then proceed to insert page numbers (current position) to the third column - leaving the second middle column blank. When I try to select DIFFERENT ODD & EVEN PAGES, both the image and page number appear on every other page. 

THE QUESTION: How can I make the image appear every other page but leave the page number present throughout the document without having to manually format each page?

I hope someone can direct me with this issue,



Arc symbol in equation editor

Posted: 29 Mar 2015 08:34 AM PDT

I am very familiar with Office and Equation Editor.  However, I can not locate a way to insert an Arc symbol over two letters in Equation editor.  It is not under the accent tab nor can is find a way to create it.  As a mathematics instructor, this is very important for the correct representation of the material.

iOS Word, Excel and PowerPoint all log me out when I close the app

Posted: 29 Mar 2015 08:15 AM PDT

Does anyone know why these apps on my iPhone now log me out whenever I leave the app? I have to re-enter my email and password, AND I have to re-connect my Dropbox account every time I launch the apps.

Beeping While Scrolling

Posted: 29 Mar 2015 02:06 AM PDT

In Word 2013, I am getting a beeping tone as I scroll up and down. It is inconsistent, and incredibly annoying. Sometimes it is just one beep, and other times it is several. I have never had this problem with any other program, and cannot get it to stop. I have unchecked the box for "Provide Feedback with Sound," but to no avail.

I would love to know why this is happening and how to stop it. Alternatively, is there a way to completely silence Word? Thanks!

12-point font is now the size of what 11-point font used to be

Posted: 28 Mar 2015 09:40 PM PDT

Title is basically self-explanatory. I was writing a document in 12-point font, and my finger slipped on the keyboard and then the size of the font became the size of whatever font one point smaller than it formerly was. 12-point font is like 11-point, 10-point is like 9-point, 14-point is like 13-point, and so on. I hope someone can understand and help me reverse this problem.

Can't find Select Browse Object in Word 2013

Posted: 28 Mar 2015 04:52 PM PDT

In Word 2010, I frequently use the Select Browse Object button on the vertical scroll bar. In 2013 I can't find any way to search by table or field code. (I did find "Find Next" and "Find Previous" buttons that I added to my QAT.)

Gap in endnotes

Posted: 28 Mar 2015 04:39 PM PDT


I have a large document with many endnotes.  I was editing this today in Word 2013, and now notice that some of my endnotes break off half way through and continue on the next page.  The separators don't seem to be the issue.  If I delete the endnote by the pilcrow, I instead delete the part of the endnote on the next page without it coming back on to a single page.  There are about 5 endnotes like this out of my 700+ endnotes.  Any ideas on what I did / what I can do?

I am attaching an image of the issue showing the markups surrounding the cutoff endnote (on the left which is spread to the right).  I have also tried deleting the endnote, but the next one sequentially just does the same thing in its place.


We're sorry but Word has run into an error that is preventing it from working correctly. Word will need to be closed as a result. Would you like us to repair now?

Posted: 28 Mar 2015 03:44 PM PDT

I had to reinstall the operating system (Windows 8 followed by upgrade to 8.1) on my PC.  Most functions in Office 2013 Home & Student edition (such as Excel) are now operating again but when I have tried clicking on various Word documents (for example, some of the type "Microsoft Word Document", and some of the type "Microsoft Word 97 - 2003 Document") an icon appears on the screen with the message: "We're sorry but Word has run into an error that is preventing it from working correctly.  Word will need to be closed as a result.  Would you like us to repair now?" with buttons for three options: "Repair now", "Help" and "Close".  

Several times now I have clicked on "Repair now" but nothing happens and the Word documents still cannot be opened.  I have also uninstalled Office 2013 then reinstalled it but the same problem remains.

Can anyone suggest a solution (with link if possible)?