

Microsoft Works - Vista 64

Microsoft Works - Vista 64

Vista 64

Posted: 23 Nov 2009 07:01 AM PST

Thanx, Mike,

It did install it and it seems to run okay, but I haven't given it any kind
of work out. I was just wondering if there are any problems that people are
aware of. I just installed it earlier today and haven't transfer anything
from the 32 bit Vista to this rebuilt machine with 64 bit Vista.

To be on the safe side, I've ordered a very reasonably priced OEM version
of 8.5. and will likely replace version 7 when 8.5 arrives before I start
transferring files. My wife hates the Open Office on her machine; so I'll
replace it with my copy of Works 7 since you've suggested that it works fine
on 32 bit systems.


"Michael Santovec" <net> wrote in message

Copying files from My Documents to History in Works 9

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 12:07 PM PST

The only way I know how to do that is to open them. Just double click
each file and then close it. You don't need to a do a file save or
anything like that.


Mike -

"tommyvin" <> wrote in message

cant register works

Posted: 12 Nov 2009 08:02 PM PST


Try going to Help. Click on About. My Works 8.5 has the product code
there. Highlight it and copy and past. I hope it works for you.

"angel" wrote:

Microsoft Works OUT OF MEMORY

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 11:57 AM PST

If you haven't already installed it, there is a free Works 4.5a update
available for download
Works: Year 2000 Patch Available for Works for Windows (4.5a)

Based on your comments, I'm guessing that you already have seen this
"Out of Memory" error message when you print in Works

And you may have already tried this fix

Problems printing or doing Copy/Paste in Works: Check for and delete any
old temporary files (Start, Find, Files or Folders, *.TMP). Don't
delete any files if their date/time stamp is since the last boot of

You may have some file compatibility issue jumping to version 9. That's
a common problem when you go more than two versions forward. And I
don't think that version 9 supports the address book.

You have a couple of options if you want to move to another version.

You can have more than one version of Works installed. Installing a
newer version will uninstall the older. But you than then reinstall the
older version. Just be sure to choose a different folder to install to.

If you went to version 6 instead of 9, you'll have fewer compatibility
issues. You should be able to pick up a copy of version 6 cheap on the


Mike -

"Marjorie" <> wrote in message

Microsoft Works Plus 2008

Posted: 08 Nov 2009 10:11 PM PST

It's always helpful to state which OS you are using.

If a permission problem is preventing retention of settings for any
program on Vista or Windows 7, you might try right-clicking on the
program (in this case Word) and selecting "Run as administrator".
Thereafter, run normally.

"Mocha" <> wrote in message

microsoft works 4.0

Posted: 05 Nov 2009 12:34 PM PST

Windows 7 Professional and Ultimate offer Windows XP Mode which may (or
may not) provide additional compatibility.

"tiggesb" <> wrote in message

access to ms works 9.0

Posted: 01 Nov 2009 06:10 AM PST

If you just ant to move the data, in Access try File, Save As to a CSV

If you want to try to get some of the formulas across, try saving to a
dBase file instead.

But if you access file is anything but a very simple database, don't
expect any of the functionality to transfer. The Works database has
only a fraction of the functionality of Access. And any reporting
you've set up will likely have to be rebuilt from scratch.


Mike -

"Benjieken" <> wrote in message

Vanishing appointments in MS Works Calendar

Posted: 28 Oct 2009 11:33 AM PDT

About your only option then is a backup.

"sarahchristine" <> wrote in message

how do i alphabetize data in each field separately in a database

Posted: 27 Oct 2009 01:31 PM PDT

It occurred to me that perhaps you wish each field to be sorted individually,
that is impossible in a database, each record (the horizontal line of data)
is secure.
If that is what you require, then a spreadsheet will accomodate.

"rod" > 

Moving documents from old Works to new Works

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 07:56 AM PDT

Hi Tommyvin,

File transferred via CD usually end up with a 'read only' attribute.

When you get the files on your new computer, right click on one of them,
choose Properties, check to see if attribute "read only' has a check mark.

To avoid this it is best to put their folder into a compressed folder.

For more info about Compressed folders refer to Windows Help.

Using compressed folders

Compressed folders can be moved to any drive or folder on your computer (you
can identify them by the zipper on the folder icon), and they are compatible
with other zip programs. You can share compressed folders with other users,
even if they use other zip compression programs.

In addition, you can secure your files and folders by encryption (use of a
password). You'll feel safer when posting files on shared network folders,
attaching them to e-mail messages, or moving files between work and home on
disks. Only you and people who have the password can open the files.

I use a USB flash drive, they are inexpensive, and do not have 'read only'
problem. Actually the computer treats the flash drive just like it is a
hard dive.

A one giga bit flash drive should cost less the ten dollars.

Google turned up a PNY Memory $9.99 Attaché 2GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive


"tommyvin" <> wrote in message

| Your suggestions really helped. All my Works files are now on a CD ready
| be transferred to my new computer.

Format toolbar problem in MS Works 7.0 word processor in XP SP3

Posted: 23 Oct 2009 08:54 PM PDT

Hi, thanks for letting us know how you resolved the problem and, as a
result, how much better your system is functioning.


"jimh1008" <> wrote in message

| Well, I ended up doing a clean install of XP Home, reinstalling just the
| necessary MS Office Trialware, no Toshiba "crapware",
| the required "viewers for Office apps", and MS Works plus all of required
| updates. Now, everything works just fine. Had to install a "Spell Checker"
| add-on for Outlook Express because of no Office apps installed. The spell
| checker link back to MS Works word processor spell checker apparently did
| link, so a free download app fixed that problem. This system actually
| so much better now without all of the "crapware" that was loading before.
| really hoping for an easy fix to original problem, but really glad I went
| this way because of the final results.
| "Ken" wrote:
| > Hi,
| >
| > Am sorry to hear creating a new user (profile) didn't solve the problem.
| >
| > Cannot think of any other suggestions, good luck with the thoughts you
| > thinking of trying.
| >
| > Let us know your result.
| >
| > Ken
| >
| >
| > "jimh1008" <> wrote in message
| > news:com...
| >
| > | Ok, Ken. I created a new profile, logged back in under the new
| > tried
| > | MS Works word processor and I still have the same problem. I am
| > of
| > | either doing a Recovery Console XP Repair Install or doing a wipe and
| > | complete reinstall of XP. This is a Toshiba Laptop XP Media Center
| > |
| > | "Ken" wrote:
| > |
| > | > Just one more suggestion.
| > | >
| > | > Create a new user.
| > | >
| > | > The new user will have a uncorrupted registry.
| > | >
| > | > Ken
| > | >
| > | > "jimh1008" <> wrote in message
| > | > news:com...
| > | > | Followed all of the instructions, still have the exact same
| > | > | Any more ideas ?
| > | > | Jim
| > | > |
| > | > | "Ken" wrote:
| > | > |
| > | > | > Assuming Windows XP........
| > | > | >
| > | > | > Have you tried using both cleanup utilities?
| > | > | >
| > | > | > Example here....
| > | > | >
| >
| > | > | >
| > | > | > Also reinstall using Clean Boot.
| > | > | >
| > | > | > "jimh1008" <> wrote in message
| > | > | > news:com...
| > | > | > | I have no other font size or type listed in the
| > | > Toolbar"
| > | > | > | other than the default, Times New Roman at 10 pt. If I click
| > font
| > | > size
| > | > | > or
| > | > | > | font type, I get the error message "wkswp.exe has caused an
| > on
| > | > | > Module
| > | > | > | wkwpac.dll" in Event Viewer. I have reinstalled v7.0,
| > it,
| > | > | > | installed v8.0, same problem, went back to v7.0. If I go to
| > in
| > | > the
| > | > | > | menu bar, I have various font sizes listed, but no other font
| > type. I
| > | > have
| > | > | > | tried creating a new template, normal.wpt by renaming,
| > Works,
| > | > | > with
| > | > | > | no luck. Have tried registering the wkwpac.dll with no luck. I
| > have
| > | > | > created a
| > | > | > | new template with 16pt font size, but cannot change the font
| > | > | > | This system had MS Office 2003 trialware installed and
| > it
| > | > due
| > | > | > to
| > | > | > | nag screens to register/buy. I have installed MS Word,
| > and
| > | > | > Excel
| > | > | > | viewer programs to view Office programs/docs.
| > | > | > | What can I do to fix this problem ??
| > | > | > | Works Word processor did work ok at one time. Not sure when it
| > quit
| > | > with
| > | > | > all
| > | > | > | of the updates from MS.
| > | > | >
| > | > | > .
| > | > | >
| > | >
| > | > .
| > | >
| >
| > .
| >

Address Book Groups

Posted: 22 Oct 2009 11:55 AM PDT

Are you opening the Address book application (Windows Address Book -
WAB)? In that application, printing is the whole address book. There
is no selection.

See Ken's reply for using the Mail merge feature.


Mike -

"jeartist" <> wrote in message

Microsoft Works 8 Spreadsheet Printing

Posted: 22 Oct 2009 05:30 AM PDT

How to download and install the latest printer driver from your printer
manufacturer's Web site

"John" <> wrote in message
| I am equipped with Microsoft Works 8.5. I don't understand why I can print
| documents on my Word Processor but not the spreadsheets!
| Can you please help me?
| "Ken" wrote:
| > See if this helps....
| >
| >
| > You receive an error message when you are working in Works 8: "Microsoft
| > Works 8 has stopped working"
| >
| >
| >
| > "John" <> wrote in message
| > news:com...
| > | I have a real problem. I have compiled a year's worth of info on a
| > | spreadsheet. Although I am able to keep adding info when I go to print
| > | document there appears a window that says "Microsoft Works 8 has
| > | working." It searches for a solution and comes back with "no solution
| > | found. Microsoft Works must shut down and inform me of a solution."
| > |
| > | The information, on the spreadsheet, is attendance and financial
| > | for my church. I really need to be able to print this to share with
| > others.
| > | My pc was equipped with Windows Vista.
| >
| > .
| >

File Extracrtion

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 04:07 PM PDT

Where are you downloading it from?

Of all the file types you listed, DOC is the only one supported by Works
for opening. And even for DOC, Works doesn't support all the features
that MS Word does, so you may well have DOC files that Works can't open.


Mike -

"Gaelge1" <> wrote in message

Windows 7 & Works

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 10:39 AM PDT

No version of Works ships with any version of Windows. Never has, never

Some OEMs (PC Manufacturers) choose to bundle software with their PCs
for marketing purposes. They may choose to include some version of
Works, or Office or anything else or nothing. Check with the PC
manufacturers for their offers.

No version of Works includes password protection of files.

There were some Suite version so of Works which include an older version
of MS Word in addition to the Works word processor and other
applications. MS Word can password protect Word documents.


Mike -

"Bill H" <Bill> wrote in message

Column Disappeared

Posted: 12 Oct 2009 02:54 PM PDT

Another method of exposeing hidden columns is: go to help menu type in
columns in the search field and you will see "hiding & showing fields,
records" Look at what the show a hidden field says & do what they say. It
helped me with my hidden column.

"Christa Sobczak" wrote:

Microsoft to replace Works with ad-supported 'Office Starter 2010'

Posted: 08 Oct 2009 01:03 PM PDT

It's reasonable to assume that Works 9 will be available at least until
the release of Office 2010 next spring and of course, Works will be
available for years on eBay.

"aafuss" <com> wrote in message 

Works vs MS Office

Posted: 08 Oct 2009 02:54 AM PDT

"Switzerland calling" <> wrote
in message news:com... 

There are a few advantages to Works that might offset it's reduced
functionality. I have used both. Works is designed for people with a limited
computer experience and little interest in exploring the power of the Office
applications. It is very forgiving, and makes it easy to manage one's
documents. You can use it without ever knowing what the hierarchical
directory structure is.

My wife is bright, but computers frustrate and bore her. And she is short of
patience. I set her up with Works, and she has been able to get done what
she wants to get done, without a lot of agony, and without coming to me for

Each Works application has a subset of functions found in its Office
counterpart. Fewer options makes the program less confusing. The subset of
features have been selected to meet the needs of it's target audience:
non-technical home PC users disinclined to attack a project with a sledge
hammer when a fly swatter will do.

It has a wealth of canned documents and databases that provide the user with
all he needs to accomplish many simple tasks.

The Works programs are smaller and load more quickly. It is inexpensive,
providing a full office suite for under $100.

These benefits aside, however, if you are savvy enough to be reading this
list, you're probably going to run into Work's limitations. The database is
a flat file, for example, and the word processor won't prepare a table of

I run both. I do simple things in Works because I just don't feel up to
loading immense, ponderous, feature-laden Word when all I want to do is
write a simple letter. If I need a table of contents, though, I go to Word.


transfer wps files to pdf so they can be transferred to an imac

Posted: 05 Oct 2009 03:04 PM PDT

If you convert to PDF, the Mac would be able to view or print the PDF,
it won't be able to make any changes.

To convert to PDF, install a PDF writer. These install a PDF printer
driver. You "print" to the PDF printer and it creates a PDF file.
These work with any Windows application that has a print function.

For some PDF writers, see

I use PDF995. It works OK for me for my occasional needs.

If you want to be able to Edit the file, do a File, Save As to RTF
format. Macs come with a simple text editor (similar to Windows
WordPad) that can read those. If they have MS Office with MS Word or
any other word processor, it should also be able the read the RTF file.


Mike -

"cucamaniac" <> wrote in message

Cut & paste into Works v9 word causes it to crash

Posted: 05 Oct 2009 02:16 PM PDT

I am also having problems with crashing, but my problem is in a database. I
will go to add a new record and the thing crashes.

"Michael Santovec" wrote:

Opening XP files in Vista

Posted: 04 Oct 2009 10:48 AM PDT

I presume that you mean that you now have Windows Vista and that it came
with Microsoft Works program which includes a spreadsheet and word
processor and that you previously used MS Office version XP (aka 2002)
or 2003. The operating system is not important, just the application

Works is a low end word processor and spreadsheet. If lacks many of the
features of Office. For one thing, Works cannot open Excel Workbooks,
but it can access a single worksheet within a workbook. Any changes
made won't be able to be saved back to the workbook. You'd have to save
to a Works spreadsheet.

If you want to handle workbooks, especially with linked worksheets,
you'll need Office Excel or similar program.


Mike -

"Terryp" <> wrote in message

Trying to re-install MS Works

Posted: 02 Oct 2009 02:31 PM PDT

Bob-n-Linda wrote: 

Glad it worked for you, Bob.

Dave T.

Auto-expanding text field in text-wrap

Posted: 29 Sep 2009 12:16 PM PDT

Care to share a sample copy of problem database?

Just attach it to your next post.


"Gualtier Malde" <net> wrote in message
| Ken wrote:
| > Note Works wraps only text, it does not wrap numbers, dates, or times
| > within a field.
| >
| >
| > "Gualtier Malde" <net> wrote in message
| > news:com...
| > | I am using Works 7 in Windows 2000. I have some databases where there
| > a text
| > | field and "wrap text" is checked. If the amount of text exceeds the
| > | length, the record height for that record increases automatically to
| > accommodate
| > | it.
| > | I have another where the text will be accepted, but the record height
| > not
| > | increase by itself and I can't figure out what is different about the
| > | databases. The settings look the same to me, but I must be missing
| > something.
| > |
| > | I'll appreciate your help,.
| >
| I found the answer: Format>Record Height>Best Fit. It was there all the
| I hadn't found it because of the special application of the particular
file. It
| is a file of daily readings and I had expanded the record height so that I
| print the unfinished file with adequate records for entering daily
| When I had a bunch I'd put it into the database and print a new one, and
so on.
| Because I needed space to write in, I had ignored "Best Fit" as something
| didn't want to do - now I'll adapt to the new reality.
| Thanks for your reply.

How to synchronise Calendar Data between two laptops?

Posted: 28 Sep 2009 09:12 AM PDT

Thanks Mike for your kind reply. I do appreciate it.

So, each time that I make some changes on one laptop, I'm going to have to
copy and paste some files from that particular laptop to the other one. Is
that correct?

Well, if that's the case then it would be too frustrating! Why Microsoft has
built this programme in the first place? It doesn't make any sense!

Anyway, I still appreciate any more comments on this.


"Michael Santovec" wrote:

spell check with works 9 word processor

Posted: 27 Sep 2009 10:32 PM PDT

This worked like a charm. I can't believe how simple the solution was. An MS
tech support person tried to talk me into purchasing Office, or letting her
help me solve the problem for $69.00!
Susan C.

"jjobin" wrote: