

MSI Error on administration deployment - Microsoft Office forums

MSI Error on administration deployment - Microsoft Office forums

MSI Error on administration deployment

Posted: 03 Mar 2006 01:32 AM PST

Hello Bob

The PC's in questions (both that work and those that doent) are either
windows xp or 2k, they are all of similar build and run similar programs.
Sorry but there just doesnt seem to be a common factor in terms of PC/Laptop
When I try the install without zenworks i am running the SETUP.EXE
application directly - it gets to a certain point and the rolls back the
installation. I then get the normally Windows error report send or not send
diaglogue of which when i ask to see the report leads me to the following 2
txt files

Microsoft Office 2003 Setup(0003).txt
Microsoft Office 2003 Setup(0003)_Task(0001).txt

The first one is shown here but the second is to large to attach so i have
just copied in the last part.

Detected Windows Info:
PlatformId = 2
MajorVersion = 5
MinorVersion = 0
ServicePackLevel = 4
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Launch Setup
03/03/2006 16:38:09
Setup path: H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11
Trying to get version of
H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11 (D_)\SETUP.EXE
H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11 (D_)\SETUP.EXE is
version 11.0.5510.0
Current version of Setup.exe: 11.0.5510.0
Searching for .INI file: SETUP.INI
H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11
Settings file located: H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11
GetTempPath returned: C:\WINNT\TEMP\
Setup has detected a previously failed installation - Verbose Logging ON

Reading settings file
H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11
Located: H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11 (D_)\PRO11.MSI
Package to install: H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11
Apply transform:
H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11
Add Property:
USERNAME=Browne Construction
Add Property:
COMPANYNAME=J Browne Construction Company Limited
Reading from "H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11
(D_)\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI": "Product\SkipLangCheck" (Default: 0)
Value: 0
Reading from "H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11
(D_)\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI": "Product\CheckUpdates" (Default: 0)
Value: 0
Product {90110409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9} is not installed for the user.
Checking for Windows Installer....
... succeeded.
Checking for any beta version of the product.
dwNoLtCoExist = 0
Reading from "H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11
(D_)\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI": "Cache\CDCache" (Default: 0)
Value: auto
Office-specific properties added: USERNAME="Browne Construction"
COMPANYNAME="J Browne Construction Company Limited"
General properties added: LAUNCHEDFROMSETUP="1"
SETUPEXEPATH="H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11 (D_)\"

Writing Task: Main - Microsoft Office 2003
Path: C:\WINNT\system32\msiexec.exe
CmdLine: /I "H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11
(D_)\PRO11.MSI" TRANSFORMS="H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install
Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11 (D_)\transforms\jbrownewkstn.mst" USERNAME="Browne
Construction" COMPANYNAME="J Browne Construction Company Limited"

Looking for setup tasks to process.
03/03/2006 16:38:11 WaitForMsiExecDone...
03/03/2006 16:38:11 WaitForMsiExecDone exits
Verifying install package is available
Reading from "H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11
(D_)\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI": "Cache\CDCache" (Default: 0)
Value: auto
Reading from "H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11
(D_)\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI": "Cache\Purge" (Default: 0)
Value: 0
Reading from "H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11
(D_)\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI": "Cache\DeletableCache" (Default: 0)
Value: 1
SetupXml is at: H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11

Parsing Download Info
Starting to load install configuration
Transforms are being used... attempting to cache them
Successfully parsed and added transforms to cache configuration
Download Info:
Download Code : 90000409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9
Source Path : H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11 (D_)\
Product Code : {90110409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9}
Prod Src Path : PRO11.MSI
Use Windows Installer : false

Files to Download:
File: (jbrownewkstn.mst)
File: PRO11.MSI (PRO11.MSI)
File: SKU011.XML (SKU011.XML_0002_1033)
File: A2561405.CAB (A2561405.CAB)
File: A3561405.CAB (A3561405.CAB)
File: A4561405.CAB (A4561405.CAB)
File: AV561403.CAB (AV561403.CAB)
File: CC561401.CAB (CC561401.CAB)
File: CD561401.CAB (CD561401.CAB)
File: CF561401.CAB (CF561401.CAB)
File: CL561401.CAB (CL561401.CAB)
File: CM561401.CAB (CM561401.CAB)
File: CP561401.CAB (CP561401.CAB)
File: CR561401.CAB (CR561401.CAB)
File: CS561401.CAB (CS561401.CAB)
File: E2561410.CAB (E2561410.CAB)
File: E3561405.CAB (E3561405.CAB)
File: E4561410.CAB (E4561410.CAB)
File: EV561405.CAB (EV561405.CAB)
File: G3561403.CAB (G3561403.CAB)
File: GV561403.CAB (GV561403.CAB)
File: IJ561401.CAB (IJ561401.CAB)
File: IS561401.CAB (IS561401.CAB)
File: IU561401.CAB (IU561401.CAB)
File: L2561403.CAB (L2561403.CAB)
File: L3561403.CAB (L3561403.CAB)
File: L4561403.CAB (L4561403.CAB)
File: L9561403.CAB (L9561403.CAB)
File: LV561403.CAB (LV561403.CAB)
File: M2561406.CAB (M2561406.CAB)
File: M3561404.CAB (M3561404.CAB)
File: M4561403.CAB (M4561403.CAB)
File: M9561403.CAB (M9561403.CAB)
File: MA561403.CAB (MA561403.CAB)
File: MC561403.CAB (MC561403.CAB)
File: MG561403.CAB (MG561403.CAB)
File: MH561401.CAB (MH561401.CAB)
File: MO561403.CAB (MO561403.CAB)
File: MT561403.CAB (MT561403.CAB)
File: O0561401.CAB (O0561401.CAB)
File: O1561403.CAB (O1561403.CAB)
File: O9561403.CAB (O9561403.CAB)
File: P2561401.CAB (P2561401.CAB)
File: P3561401.CAB (P3561401.CAB)
File: P4561402.CAB (P4561402.CAB)
File: PA561401.CAB (PA561401.CAB)
File: PR103368.CAB (PR103368.CAB)
File: PR103678.CAB (PR103678.CAB)
File: PR308246.CAB (PR308246.CAB)
File: PV561401.CAB (PV561401.CAB)
File: PW561401.CAB (PW561401.CAB)
File: Q2561405.CAB (Q2561405.CAB)
File: Q3561405.CAB (Q3561405.CAB)
File: Q4561405.CAB (Q4561405.CAB)
File: QV561405.CAB (QV561405.CAB)
File: SKU011.CAB (SKU011.CAB)
File: TR103621.CAB (TR103621.CAB)
File: TR308222.CAB (TR308222.CAB)
File: V3561403.CAB (V3561403.CAB)
File: W2561405.CAB (W2561405.CAB)
File: W3561405.CAB (W3561405.CAB)
File: W4561405.CAB (W4561405.CAB)
File: WV561405.CAB (WV561405.CAB)
File: X2561401.CAB (X2561401.CAB)
File: X3561401.CAB (X3561401.CAB)
File: YA561403.CAB (YA561403.CAB)
File: YB561408.CAB (YB561408.CAB)
File: YC561403.CAB (YC561403.CAB)
File: YH561403.CAB (YH561403.CAB)
File: YI561401.CAB (YI561401.CAB)
File: YL561402.CAB (YL561402.CAB)
File: YM561403.CAB (YM561403.CAB)
File: YO561403.CAB (YO561403.CAB)
File: YS561401.CAB (YS561401.CAB)
File: YT561401.CAB (YT561401.CAB)
File: ZA561401.CAB (ZA561401.CAB)
File: ZC561402.CAB (ZC561402.CAB)
File: ZD561402.CAB (ZD561402.CAB)
File: ZE561406.CAB (ZE561406.CAB)
File: ZF612702.CAB (ZF612702.CAB)
File: ZG561401.CAB (ZG561401.CAB)
File: ZH561403.CAB (ZH561403.CAB)
File: ZI561402.CAB (ZI561402.CAB)
File: ZJ561401.CAB (ZJ561401.CAB)
File: ZK561401.CAB (ZK561401.CAB)
File: ZM561401.CAB (ZM561401.CAB)
File: ZN561401.CAB (ZN561401.CAB)
File: ZO561401.CAB (ZO561401.CAB)
File: ZQ561401.CAB (ZQ561401.CAB)
File: ZR561403.CAB (ZR561403.CAB)
File: ZS561401.CAB (ZS561401.CAB)
File: ZT561401.CAB (ZT561401.CAB)
File: ZU561401.CAB (ZU561401.CAB)
File: ZV561401.CAB (ZV561401.CAB)
File: ZY561401.CAB (ZY561401.CAB)
File: ZZ561401.CAB (ZZ561401.CAB)
Using Office Source Engine at path: H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install
Connected to Office Source Engine.
Checking version of Office Source Engine...
Version: 11.0.5525.0

Reading from "H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11
(D_)\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI": "Cache\LocalCacheDrive" (Default: )
Found NTFS drive.
Local Cache Drive: C:\.
Found enough space on drive "C:\" to cache all feature cabinets.
(CDCACHE=AUTO) - There is enough space to cache some or all of the image.
Drive for this download is C:\
Adding temporary sources
Added temporary source: temp-jbrownewkstn.mst (H:\MSO2003\Workstation
Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11 (D_)\transforms\)
Completed download for file: jbrownewkstn.mst.
Completed download for file: DW20.ADM_1033.
Completed download for file: DW20.EXE_0001.
Completed download for file: DWDCW20.DLL.
Completed download for file: DWINTL20.DLL_0001_1033.
Completed download for file: DWTRIG20.EXE.
Completed download for file: OCLEAN.DLL_1033.
Completed download for file: OCLNCORE.OPC_1033.
Completed download for file: OCLNCUST.OPC_1033.
Completed download for file: OCLNINTL.OPC_1033.
Completed download for file: OFFCLN.EXE_1033.
Completed download for file: OSE.EXE.
Completed download for file: PRO11.MSI.
Completed download for file: PSS10O.CHM_1033.
Completed download for file: PSS10R.CHM_1033.
Completed download for file: SETUP.CHM_1033.
Completed download for file: SKU011.XML_0002_1033.
Finished CDCache Download, retrieving msi download info
03/03/2006 16:39:01
Package was: H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11
Setting Package to: C:\MSOCache\All
Done with CD Caching, cached MSI to: C:\MSOCache\All
03/03/2006 16:39:01
Cleaning up temporary sources
Deleted temporary source: temp-jbrownewkstn.mst (H:\MSO2003\Workstation
Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11 (D_)\transforms\)
Parsed arg: /I
Parsed arg: H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11
Parsed arg: TRANSFORMS=@jbrownewkstn.mst
Parsed arg: USERNAME=Browne Construction
Parsed arg: COMPANYNAME=J Browne Construction Company Limited
Parsed arg: SETUPEXEPATH=H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install
Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11 (D_)\
Reading from "H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11
(D_)\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI": "Cache\Purge" (Default: 0)
Value: 0
Finished local caching successfully.
DWSETUPLOGFILE="C:\WINNT\TEMP\Microsoft Office 2003 Setup(0003).txt"
DWMSILOGFILE="C:\WINNT\TEMP\Microsoft Office 2003 Setup(0003)_Task(0001).txt"
Command Line Logging Parameters: /lpiwaeov "C:\WINNT\TEMP\Microsoft Office
2003 Setup(0003)_Task(0001).txt" LOGVERBOSE=1
03/03/2006 16:39:01
Executing Task:
Microsoft Office 2003
"C:\WINNT\system32\msiexec.exe" /I "C:\MSOCache\All
TRANSFORMS=@jbrownewkstn.mst USERNAME="Browne Construction" COMPANYNAME="J
Browne Construction Company Limited" LAUNCHEDFROMSETUP=1
SETUPEXEPATH="H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install Profile\WKSTNOFFICE11 (D_)\"
SETUPEXENAME=SETUP.EXE /lpiwaeov "C:\WINNT\TEMP\Microsoft Office 2003
Setup(0003)_Task(0001).txt" LOGVERBOSE=1 STANDALONEOSE="C:\MSOCache\All
Users\90000409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9\FILES\SETUP\OSE.EXE" CDCACHE="2"
DWSETUPLOGFILE="C:\WINNT\TEMP\Microsoft Office 2003 Setup(0003).txt"
DWMSILOGFILE="C:\WINNT\TEMP\Microsoft Office 2003 Setup(0003)_Task(0001).txt"
Type: msi
Ignore Return Values: False
Reboot: False

Successfully launched MsiExec....
03/03/2006 17:05:08 Chained install return code: 1603

Exit code was an error.
Shutting down chained setup processing.
Error returned from install, removing cache.
Using Office Source Engine at path: H:\MSO2003\Workstation Install
Successfully started Office Source Engine in stand-alone mode.
Set Verbose logging for subsequent setup.

***** Setup exits
03/03/2006 17:05:14
(return = 1603)


2nd txt files (last part only as to large)

Property(C): PrimaryVolumePath = C:
Property(C): ProgressActionText = Now Installing Office
Property(C): LastInstallDialog = Summary
Property(C): UI_AccessState = 3
Property(C): UI_ExcelState = 3
Property(C): UI_OutlookState = 3
Property(C): UI_PowerPointState = 3
Property(C): UI_PubState = 3
Property(C): UI_WordState = 3
Property(C): UI_XDocsState = 3
=== Logging stopped: 03/03/2006 17:05:07 ===
MSI (c) (40:88) [17:05:07:812]: Note: 1: 1708
MSI (c) (40:88) [17:05:07:812]: Product: Microsoft Office Professional
Edition 2003 -- Installation operation failed.

MSI (c) (40:88) [17:05:08:296]: Attempting to delete file
MSI (c) (40:88) [17:05:08:296]: Unable to delete the file. LastError = 32
MSI (c) (40:88) [17:05:08:546]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (c) (40:88) [17:05:08:546]: Cleaning up uninstalled install packages, if
any exist
MSI (c) (40:88) [17:05:08:546]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
=== Verbose logging stopped: 03/03/2006 17:05:08 ===

Hope that Helps


"Bob Buckland ?:-)" wrote:

can't receive or send email

Posted: 02 Mar 2006 11:19 AM PST

You may wish to double-check your setups from here:

I am, of course, assuming you are with!!


darcy912 wrote: 

i lost my product key for windows xp how do get another one?

Posted: 01 Mar 2006 09:28 PM PST

It should be on a sticker attached to the back of the PC tower.
Cari (MS-MVP) Windows Client - Printing & Imaging

"office setup" <office> wrote in message

Unable to load MS Organization Chart

Posted: 01 Mar 2006 01:42 AM PST

Hi Bob
Thank you for your help i have used method 2 and it solve all my problem
have a nice day

"Bob Buckland ?:-)" wrote:

office XP and limited user account

Posted: 28 Feb 2006 12:16 PM PST

I did what you said. I don't see questions asking for allowing all the users
to use the program. I saw "these programs are run from my computer." That's
I tried to set permission for office "full control" for all the users in the
registry, but still the same problem. It's funny since in the limited user
accounts, I cannot assign the file (saved by MS Word, but opened with
Wordpad) with MS Word. I cannot locate MS Word in the folder options (file
What I am going to try is that I borrow a copy from my friend and install it
on my computer see if it works. I guess it should be fine as long as I
don't activate, right? If it works, my copy of Office is defective. If
still problematic, it's my computer's fault.

"ANONYMOUS" wrote:

Office 2000 Image?

Posted: 28 Feb 2006 08:39 AM PST

Nevermind. I found someone with a CD.

Multilingual User Interface in XP-using Office 2003

Posted: 28 Feb 2006 02:41 AM PST

eli wrote: 

It seems unlikely because the MUI files takes 100s of MBs per language.