

Microsoft CRM - Error: CRM Sales for Outlook cannot go offline.

Microsoft CRM - Error: CRM Sales for Outlook cannot go offline.

Error: CRM Sales for Outlook cannot go offline.

Posted: 19 Jul 2004 08:47 PM PDT


I never would have guessed that one.

Reports for Orders

Posted: 19 Jul 2004 07:00 PM PDT


You are absolutely right, you'd think I would have thought of that.



Any thoughts about my actual report. Is it doable or very hard, you think?

"Julian Sharp" <> wrote in message

Revoked Admin role in CRM 1.2

Posted: 19 Jul 2004 10:02 AM PDT


You need to look at the following tables in the _MSCRM database:


You basicall need to add a record to the SystemUserRole table to reflect the
proper user/role combination to put a user into that role.

Be very careful when editing this table as you can have unexpected results if
you modify the wrong record. I would highly recommend a complete DB backup
before doing anything.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 10:02:48 -0700, "Jouko"
<> wrote:

I have a client who installed MS CRM 1.2 standard and put
the administrator role on one of the users. Then he
rovoked the administrator role from the user (by
mistake...) and the result is that the CRM-system does
not have an administrator any more.
Is there any one that has an idea of what to do?

Thank you!
//Jouko from Sweden

Additional Configuration on Server?

Posted: 19 Jul 2004 09:29 AM PDT

Pages 158 and 159 of the Microsoft CRM 1.2 Implementation Guidediscuss how
to set up the user for incoming crm email. The particular entry required is

John O'Donnell
Microsoft CRM MVP

"" <com> wrote in message

Workflow Manager & Monitor

Posted: 19 Jul 2004 08:16 AM PDT

Silly question time - what kind of licenses do you have? Workflow Manager
is available with Sales Professional, Customer Service Professional and
Professional Suite licenses. If you are using Sales Standard, Service
Standard or Standard Suite, then you will not have access to Workflow

Failing that:

make sure the CRM Workflow service and CRM Security Service are started
make sure the user has the system admin role in the crm
make sure the user has local admin rights on the crm server.


"Gileon" <> wrote in message

Logo in emails

Posted: 19 Jul 2004 06:57 AM PDT

I found that it was a bit tricky to get the logo to send
through - I wouldn't use a .bmp because of the file size.
Use a gif instead if your logo has clean lines and only a
few colours (eg. a vector image). Use jpg if it is a
photographic type of image with full colour and lots of

The only way I could get it to work was to use an image
that resides on a web server. I designed the template as
I would like it to appear in a web page editor, and
linked the image using it's full http:// path. Then I
copied the web page content (not the raw HTML but the
formatted content), and pasted it into the email template
editor in CRM.

I'd suggest creating a directory on your web server to
store any graphics that you want to use in your email
templates - this is keeping with best practice as the
images won't be embedded in the emails themselves, but
will be downloaded when the user views the email which
means less download time (less inconvenience, happier

outgoing emails. 

CRM 1.2 Sales for Outlook install error

Posted: 19 Jul 2004 06:54 AM PDT

The users has the local admin right on the machine.
The user has been use Exhange for a while now.
I have done this so many times, this is the only time I had problems.

"Dave Ireland" wrote:

dmLog: IsCRMSysAdmin: WhoAmI failed

Posted: 19 Jul 2004 05:34 AM PDT

what exactly was the unrelated maintenance work? If CRM was working prior to
this unrelated work then we have to assume you have impacted the CRM system
by these changes. Any details even trivial ones you could share to give us
more insight into your problem.?

John O'Donnell
Microsoft CRM MVP

<> wrote in message

Install and Config 1.2 - Course Notes

Posted: 19 Jul 2004 04:07 AM PDT

"Erik" <none> wrote in message

Yep - that's what I'm asking. Where can I get the 1.2 course notes without
having to pay the full 1.2 course fees again....

CRM, IIS, DNS - hostheader

Posted: 18 Jul 2004 08:00 PM PDT

When I try to create an Alias I get the message, 'An
alias (CNAME) record cannot be added to this DNS name.
The DNS name contains records that are incompatible with
the CNAME record.'

zone for the Server 

Access Denied: You do not have sufficient Rights

Posted: 18 Jul 2004 01:55 PM PDT

Hi Dave

What happens if you enter the deployment manager and try to add a user here?


"Dave" wrote:

Story about the hassles of supporting CRM

Posted: 18 Jul 2004 11:35 AM PDT

Man, this should fuel some debate. It's an odd situation, and I think it's more
the fact that the store didn't take ANY action to warn it's customers, let alone
the ones it's frequent buyers.

It's sad to see that people in the UK are succumbing to the American "I'm not
reponsible for my actions" stance so I will sue someone. this lady suspected
she might have contaminated beef. I don't know about the rest of you, but I
think in that sutuation, the beef would have ended up in my garbage can rather
than risk my families life on the response from some overworked call center
person who was probably getting a LOT of calls.

But this does open the question: If I have the data available to me, am I
"required" to act upon that data? This case seems more cut and dry that they
"might" have been able to act upon the information (heck, evn a broadcast email
could have been sent, but that could have opened up the whole tarnished
repuation thing).

But what about the privacy concerns? If I use the data for something like this,
then the next time something comes up and I use it again, how long is it before
I've crossed the line on privacy?

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 02:27:05 -0700, "Dan Quinton"
<> wrote:


I agree with John that this is important question in this case: what is a
loyalty card holder actually entitled to? I can't see how a case can be argued
against the Food retailer on the basis of 'You had the technology to warn me.'
Technology may be one thing, but company policy and implementation is another!

It's obviously a serious matter and I certainly wouldn't want to have eaten
contaminated food, when unbeknown to me the Retailer had recalled the product. I
can't say I'd be suing, but I can understand why this family is. But surely it
should be a legal case against the failing of the Retailers quality checks not
of their lack of using feature X of their CRM technology.


"John O'Donnell" wrote:

SFO client installation failed during MSDE sp3a installation

Posted: 17 Jul 2004 01:57 PM PDT


How's the horsepower of the PC in question? I know the install of the MSDE
portion can take forever on some slower machines and the worst part is that
the installation screen disappears for a while during the switch between
installation routines. You will see no activity on the screen but the hard
drive will be churning. If this is what you are seeing, then let it go, go
grab a really big coffee and check it when you get back.

If not the above, then what version of Windows and Outlook are you running?
Does this PC currently have (or has it ever had) the SQL Client tools or
components installed? There may be some old registry values kicking around
that are confusing SQL. Also ensure that you are cleaning up the PC
properly after each failed installation of the SFO client (there are TK
articles that describe the details of what to delete).

Cheers, Dave.

"Mike" <> wrote in message
to help. 
it in 

CRM integration with a third-party application

Posted: 16 Jul 2004 01:01 PM PDT


I've done a few different projects that have used BizTalk to interface with CRM.
I think the key question you need to ask yourself is whether or not this is a
one time load or an ongoing integration need.

If this is just a one time load, then putting BizTalk into the mix will
complicate the process beyond what you want. Using something like the Data
Migration Framework would be easier for a load. However, if you need the
ongoing flow of data, then BizTalk is a good solution.

On the CRM side, it is fairly straight forward to setup a BTS wrapper that
communicates with CRM. With BTS2002, you will need to write an AIC that will
receive the message from BTS. The message format should match the CRM schema
for the object you are loading. I have often wrapped multiple CRM messages into
1 BTS message wrapper. Then the AIC will need to pull out the individualt
messages and then process them normally using the SDK calls into CRM.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Fri, 16 Jul 2004 11:44:02 -0700, Prasad <>

Hi All,

I am working on a project, which involves CRM integration with a third-party
accounting application: Syspro. The client is currently using Syspro as their
main business system. The Syspro data is housed in MS-SQL. They are planning to
use MS-CRM for their sales and customer sercvice. My goal is to move the
existing sales and customer related data from Syspro to CRM.

I know that, writing the data directly into CRM tables is not a supported
action. Therefore, I am using Biztalk Server (BTS) 2002 to achieve the
integration. I have succesfully done following things so far:

1. Reading data from Syspro SQL table into BTS 2002 using BTS 2002 SQL Adapter
2. This data comes in BTS 2002 in XML format

Now, I am guessing that my next step will be to somehow convert this XML data
into a transation which is acceptable by CRM and then post it in CRM.

Am I moving in right direction?

Please let me know if anybody has any information on CRM Integration with

I am kind of stuck so any help would be appreciated.


PostURL - Webservice

Posted: 16 Jul 2004 11:39 AM PDT

Yes, it is a MS issue. This happens when one or more Parms of your
Webservice dont contain Data. -Does your Webservice really need longer
than 10 sec´s to finnish?

PostURL is buggy but´it won´t be fixed. (Because in V2.0 it is no
longer used.)

"Loreeta" <> wrote in message news:<019501c46dd4$a8930c00$gbl>...