

Microsoft Word - Unknown glitch in using word/office

Microsoft Word - Unknown glitch in using word/office

Unknown glitch in using word/office

Posted: 06 Mar 2013 10:08 AM PST

I am unable to type a word document w/o message: "There is a problem with one or more installed help files. Pls. repair your office installation and try again".
I have no idea what to do and any document I produce contains a parapgrph symbol before each entry and a dot between each word, making it totally unusable.
I need help and I am not a techie so I need simple, step-by-step instructions to correct.
Dorrie F.

Office 2013 copy and paste

Posted: 06 Mar 2013 07:10 AM PST

How can I copy and paste a document to a blank document? The first bit is easy but I can't bring up a blank document

Saving a Document as PDF corrupts no matter software I use. (Text from top repeating at bottom right corner)

Posted: 05 Mar 2013 03:33 PM PST

When saving a DocX or Doc to PDF the formatting seems to corrupt at the bottom right corner of the document. I have tried to copy and paste to a enw document. I have saved the original word document to the older .doc extension and retried saving to pdf. I have even uploaded the doc to google documents and the exact same thing happens. Obviously this all points to the issue being from within the word document formatting. But where is it?

I have gone through all view modes of the document to see if there is a clue there. None at all.


Word adds a 2 inch tab after inserting a blank page

Posted: 05 Mar 2013 03:09 PM PST

The syntax of the subject of this post is questionable. What I mean is that after I insert a blank page, the previous page has a giant 2 inch tab at the bottom. If I try to remove it, the page break or inserted page merges with the previous page. Has anyone else encountered this issue or figured out how to fix it?

WinWord 2003 is treated like an orphan on new Win7 computer

Posted: 05 Mar 2013 02:52 PM PST

WinWord 2003 is treated like an orphan on my new Win7 computer. A generic Icon appears on desktop and taskbar, Outlook won't use it as an e-mail editor and each time I open WinWord, I am quizzed about letting this program make changes to my computer. I reinstalled it with the same result. Other parts of Office work normally.  Does ayone know what is going on?



I am creating a table using mail merge - how do you get the records to go down then across to the next column instead of to the column on the right then down the the column on the left?

Posted: 05 Mar 2013 12:57 PM PST



I am creating a table with multiple rows and 3 columns.  Right now, when mail merge is complete, the records go from the first cell in the column on the far left to the same row in the middle column then to the right column before it goes down to the next row.  How can I get it to stay in the column until all the rows are full then go to the next column until all those rows are filled?

Page n of total doesn't seem to work within sections

Posted: 05 Mar 2013 09:54 AM PST

I have a Word 2010 document that contains 3 sections, a title page, a table of contents and the document body.  Each section break begins on a new page and I have broken the link to previous sections.  Section 1 should have no footer (no number), section 2 should have a footer with roman numerals as the page numbers appearing at the right margin, section 3 should have the date at the left margin and Page 1 of <total pages for section 3> at the right margin.  Each of the footers with page numbers have the Page Number Format set to begin at 1.  There are currently 21 pages in section 3.  The last page of section 3 shows "page 21 of 24".  It has obviously counted the title page and the two pages of Table of Contents.  There are indeed 24 pages in the document, but only 21 pages in section 3.  It certainly appears that this is not possible with Word 2010.  Can anyone else make this work?


Thanks for any help you can offer!

Word auto doc open

Posted: 05 Mar 2013 05:23 AM PST

This is the error message i receive when i click on a Word doc icon.

I had to re-install Office recently. Now i have 2 bugs that were not there before.

My main concern is Word. It will no longer automatically open a Word icon. I have to 'detach' the icon to desktop, start word and then click on the icon to open the doc.

I need help formatting numbers in a mail merge

Posted: 05 Mar 2013 02:51 AM PST

The numbers are an ID number and I need to format them so that they look like this:


Where the first two or three numbers are zeros, and there is a space separating each group of numbers. I know there are numerous ways to seperate these in the data source, and, using a custom number format, in the data source the numbers are displayed correctly, it just but when the info is in the mail merge the numbers look like one long one, with no leading zeros. Messing with the data source further (e.g. seperating the numbers into different columns) is not an option.

I have spent the last four days Googling for a solution on my own time, but so far nothing has worked.

My workplace uses Office 2007, and we're on Windows XP.

I use Windows 8 & Office 2010 Recent upgrade from WP & Office 2000. Word docs loan as PDF only and lose functionality

Posted: 04 Mar 2013 04:11 PM PST

Recently moved word documents from Office 2000 on XP to Windows 8 & Office 2010.

Word docs open in a PDF form and lose some functions. Originally had calculations but no longer. Documents open on a black screen with no Word formatting tool bars or ribbons showing. I am a little better than a novice operator only so not too technical please.

Word 2010 randomly deletes text in my document and eventually beomes unresponsive and crashes but not before losing all my work!

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 01:05 PM PST

I got a new laptop and installed MS Office 2010 2 months ago.  On several occasions while I'm typing my paper for my thesis Word will just start deleting/back spacing my text and I'm unable to stop it - the program becomes unresponsive and eventually crashes.  Fortunately I save my work often but the last time the auto-save saved the document with the deleted text!! I now power down the laptop when this happens to stop the auto-save.

I don't have any other problems with other software just - Word. There's no options in Control Panel other than to un-install.  Can anyone help??  I have Toshiba Satellite U840 running Windows 7 Home Premium.

Word, Windows 8, a tablet and a Signature... Help Please

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 08:40 AM PST

I have created a "fill in the text box" form in Word.  I want to make it a template and allow it to be downloaded onto a tablet with Windows 8 so customers can actually sign the form using a stylus. How can this be accomplished without leaving the actual form unprotected?


when i start the word file and want to write something then i am getting error that saying "this modification is not allowed because the selection is locked. please help me how to solve this problem..

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 09:16 PM PST

when i start the word file and want to write something then i am getting error that saying "this modification is not allowed because the selection is locked. please help me how to solve this problem.. 

When in Word & accessing 'Help' how can I make the text larger, so when I print out the answer I can read it?

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 08:53 PM PST

I Just typed a letter & needed  to use 'Help'...but I find the text is so small, having a great problem reading it. Is there any way I can make this text larger? If not, why not.....This seems to be an ongoing trend with a lot of stuff to do with computers.......and it's not a problem confined to old people, even some young people have trouble reading & have to wear about Microsoft giving us a good go @ trying to stay up to date?Even this is a bit small......I'm using Firefox & yes I have zoomed in....
BTW, my system is Windows XP Pro v 5.1.2600 SP 3.0 32bit.
Thanks in anticipation