

Microsoft Word - Word 2010: Mail merge to a table in a schema other than dbo

Microsoft Word - Word 2010: Mail merge to a table in a schema other than dbo

Word 2010: Mail merge to a table in a schema other than dbo

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 07:50 AM PST

I posted this on SuperUser as a question, but I am now thinking that it is a bug.

I'm trying to perform a mail merge to a SQL Server 2005 view. I created the same view twice, once without specifying the schema (ie. DBO), and once with specifying the schema. In SQL Server Management Studio, logged in using Windows authentication, I have no problem accessing both views.

Using the "Select Recipients" > "Use Existing List" option in Word 2012, I made a connection to the database server using Windows authentication. Both views are included in the list of available tables, as shown below.

Following through, I created a connection for each view. I am able to successfully merge from the view owned by "dbo". I cannot however merge from the view owned by "Permit". I receive the following error.

The only difference that I know of is that the successful one uses the default "dbo" schema, while the other uses "Permit".

I did some additional testing. Looking at the ODC file used to define the connection, I see that the schema information is properly recorded.

For testing, I renamed the ODC file to an HTM file, and opened it in Internet Explorer. It displayed the live data from the database without an issue.

I then tried doing the mail merge while listening with SQL Server Profiler, just to see what queries Word was trying to run.

As I suspected, Word 2010 is not using the schema information when mail merging.  Is there an extra step to ensure the schema information is used when merging? How do I do a mail merge off a table or view not owned by "dbo"?


Posted: 21 Nov 2012 04:57 AM PST

Is it possible to set a style which will automatically embolden a word after a particular word is typed? The whole paragraph which contains the word is set to as particular style.


Regards, Kerrie.

Footer Page # AND Footer Picture

Posted: 20 Nov 2012 12:47 PM PST

I inserted a picture into the footer (it's the address portion of our letterhead) but I also want to insert page numbers for a large document.  The page number insertion deletes the picture.  It works if I put the page # above the picture footer, but I want the page # below the picture, not above it. Thanks 

"LotusWP Type" character map shennanigans

Posted: 20 Nov 2012 11:21 AM PST

We have various old files made in Lotus WordPro.  Some of us now have Word 2007, some Word 2010... ultimately, we'll all be on 2010.  There are these checkbox symbols inserted (Font: LotusWP Type), which appear as the proper checkboxes in 2007, but in 2010 appear as a "Z".  What is going on, and how can we correct this?

Duplicate data from a text form field if a second page is added

Posted: 20 Nov 2012 09:04 AM PST

Thanks in advance.

I have a password protected form & I need the "Employee Name" & "Employee No." fields to re-populate onto a 2nd page if the form expands on to a 2nd page (so that a distinct relationship can be made between the 2 sheets).  I attempted to utilize the Header/Footer sect(s), but quickly discovered that text-form fields can't go in them.  Thanks - I hope I explained my issue clear enough.  Michael

I tried to reinstall word97 after having reinstalled windows xp home. I received message Ensure wwintl32.dll is in correct word pathway. What shall I do

Posted: 20 Nov 2012 03:06 AM PST

I had a problem with windows xp home andwas told to reinstall it. I then tried to reinstal word 97 from the Cd but keep on getting a message that the loaded fileisthe wrong one. Ensurethat wwwint33.dll isin the correct word pathway. What shall I do ?

How Do I Determine, in VBA, If I am In a Numbered List?

Posted: 19 Nov 2012 04:56 PM PST

In VBA, I am trying to format some text and I need to know if the insertion point is within a numbered list.

And, if it is NOT in a numbered list, I need to start a numbered list.

How is that done?